
Climate consciousness is part of our identity.

Sustainable and efficient

Reaching our climate goals one step at a time.

As a manufacturing company in the steel industry, we have a particular responsibility. We do our best to honour this at all of the Tegometall Group locations.

To reach our climate goals for 2030, we are fully exploiting the optimisation potential in our production processes, supply chains and transportation routes.

Concrete steps

One of our areas of focus concerns water – Tegometall is collecting and using rainwater. Washing water is treated and reused in our paint finishing systems. This is an essential prerequisite for the exclusive use of solvent-free powder coatings. We do not use PVC films, and we recycle old and waste metal. Wooden products are sourced from sustainable forestries. Our own photovoltaic system allows us to use solar energy extensively. We exclusively use LED lighting.

Every year, over 65,000 tonnes of steel are delivered directly to our plant by rail. This equates to a saving of 1,300,000 km of road miles.

The photovoltaic systems in our own plants produce 1,700,000 KWh of solar energy annually. In our Krauchenwies plant, for example, we cover 40% of our electricity needs by these means.

State-of-the-art technologies and systems, rainwater usage, solvent-free powder coatings, washing water treatment, LED lighting, e-mobility.

Total co2 savings > 4,400 tonnes per year
