Tutaj znajdziesz nasze różne Oddziały w Europie.
Siedziba główna i sprzedaż w Szwajcarii
Tegometall International Sales GmbH
Industriestrasse 7
CH-8574 Lengwil
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Oddział Handlowy w Słowenii
Tegometall oprema trgovin d.o.o.
Cesta Kozjanskega odreda 29
SI – 3230 Šentjur
Phone: +386 3 746 32 44
Mail: Sales-SI@remove-this.tegometall.com
Oddział Handlowy w Wielkiej Brytanii
Tegometall UK – Millcourt
Tegometall House /10 Meadowbank Way
Eastwood / Nottinghamshire / NG16 3SB
Phone: +44 1773 711 322
Mail: Sales-UK@remove-this.tegometall.com
Oddział Handlowy w Polsce
Tegometall WSP Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Konińska 26
PL-62-045 Pniewy
Phone: +48 61 29 10 597
Mail: Sales-PL@tegometall.com
Lokalizacja Produkcji
Tegometall Lagertechnik GmbH
Auenbachstrasse 9
DE - 88605 Sauldorf
Phone: +49 7578 1800
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Lokalizacja Produkcji
Tegometall Ladenbau GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 1
DE-72505 Krauchenwies
Phone: +49 7576 7770
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt. Odpowiemy tak szybko, jak to będzie możliwe.
Shelving Systems and Shopfitting
Team International
Markus Makowski
Sales Director
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Thies Martin Henkel
Key Account Manager
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Erik Hammer
Key Account Manager
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Detlev Düll
Project Manager Shopfitting
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Camilla Horstmann
Team Leader Sales
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Team UK
Dusan Miljevic
Managing Director UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1773 711 322
Mobile: +44 (0) 7802 915 065
Mail : dusan.miljevic@remove-this.tegometall.com
Andrew Douglas
Operations Director UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1773 711 322
Mobile: +44 (0) 7802 252 262
Mail: andrew.douglas@remove-this.tegometall.com
Team France
Antje Rehling
Phone: +41 71 686 93 00
Mail: Sales@remove-this.tegometall.com
Team Poland
Maciej Szymański
Plant Manager
Phone: +48 61 29 10 597
Mail: Sales-PL@remove-this.tegometall.com
Jędrzej Blimel
Project Manager
Phone: +48 61 29 10 597
Mail: Sales-PL@remove-this.tegometall.com
Team Slovenian
Boštjan Zmrzlak
Sales Manager
Phone: +386 (0) 7463 134
Mobile: +386 (0) 40 161 387
Mail: bostjan.zmrzlak@remove-this.tegometall.com
Urban Motoh
Phone: +386 (0) 7466 820
Mobile: +386 (0) 40 161 408
Mail: urban.motoh@remove-this.tegometall.com
Žiga Kresnik
Phone: +386 (0) 7463 161
Mobile: +386 (0) 40 161 370
Mail: ziga.kresnik@remove-this.tegometall.com
Roman Reš
Phone: +386 (0) 7463 131
Mobile: +386 (0) 40 161 387
Mail: roman.res@remove-this.tegometall.com
Simon Filip
Mobile: +381 (0) 63 430 562
Mail: filip.simon@remove-this.tegometall.com
Warehouse Racking
Team International
Mark Hebding
Plant Manager
Phone: +49 (0) 7578 180 187
Mobile: +49 (0) 173 542 5592
Mail: mark.hebding@remove-this.tegometall.com
Oliver Ley
Key Account Manager
Phone: +41 (0) 71 686 93 71
Mobile: +49 (0) 152 01515254
Mail: oliver.ley@remove-this.tegometall.com
Michael Strube
Project Manager Warehouse Solutions
Phone: +49 (0) 22 04 96 49 361
Mobile: +49 (0) 172 36 36 278
Mail: michael.strube@remove-this.tegometall.com
Cihan Yildiz
Project Manager
Phone: +41 (0) 71 686 93 44
Mobile: +49 (0) 173 712 72 50
Mail: cihan.yildiz@remove-this.tegometall.com